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11+ Course

Take the worry out of the 11+ preparationn by enrolling in our highly recommended small group sessions. We help Year 5 children boost their understanding of English, maths, verbal and non-verbal reasoning in preparation for the Buckinghamshire 11+ examination. Our inspiring tutors will guide you and your child through the curriculum required and practice questions and tests, this course runs term time during your child's Year 5 building their knowledge and understanding ahead of the 11+ taken in early September of Year 6. Each week our lovely tutors teach the children, creating a motivating, fun atmosphere for an hour. Following the lesson, the children are set between one and a half and two hours of homework for the week. Feedback is given regularly and often weekly, identifying areas for growth and if the child needs additional support.


During the initial two terms, we focus on enhancing your child’s skills and broadening their curriculum knowledge. This means building up their ability and stamina in comprehension ( using Year 6 texts); revising punctuation rules and how to spot errors and thinking strategically about spelling and grammar; increasing mathematical knowledge to include all year 5 and 6 National Curriculum topics; teaching NVR and VR techniques and practise. In the summer term we will have more of a focus on the exam - we will keep it skill based - with attention centred on accuracy, speed and building self awareness. Homework will be suggested weekly; thoughtfully chosen for the needs of the cohort and individual children.

We are very supportive of families and we will continue to do this. We aim to inform you of key information and support you on your journey. We often give informal feedback however have built two formal parents evenings into the schedule so we can have more in-depth conversations.

To improve our customer experience and in recognition that the 11+ course is a year of learning, this year we have streamlined the payment profile. This will mean that we ask for 12 payments: an initial payment of £195 and 11 further payments of £145 paid by direct debit from October to August.

The course fee will include:

36 lessons

2 parents evenings

2 mock tests (dates to be confirmed but they will be scheduled for the summer term)


All course books

Groups will have a maximum of 4 pupils with each qualified, experienced teacher

Parental support throughout the process

Summer school is optional and can be added to the direct debit to spread the cost. This will be a total of £660 which will increase the direct debit to £205 per month.

As experienced teachers, we teach a wide variety of children and aim to balance the needs of each child within the group so that all children achieve excellent progress. If your child has a particular need, please talk to us so we can fully support their needs in our lessons.


This booking takes an initial payment of £195 and commits you to the course as offered. Please take a moment to see our services, behaviour policy, terms and conditions and pricing per session before booking a place.

11+ Year 5 Online Classes - Starts September '24

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